Saturday, November 24, 2012

New Quilt!

Hi, everyone!  Thanksgiving was wonderful this year.  Daniel and I spent it with my mom and her two beagles.  It was a quiet, low-key day of watching movies and playing games.  Then yesterday I got a phone call from my long-arm quilter letting me know that I had quilts ready to pick up, yay!!!  I love those phone calls.  She did a beautiful job and made my substandard quilting skills less noticeable.  I am giving this quilt to my mother-in-law for Christmas.  She doesn't read my blog, so I'm in no danger of spoiling the surprise.  Of course, I haven't put the binding on yet, so you will have to use your imagination:

I was inspired by this quilt, which I thought was so lovely, so I improvised a pattern.  I can't wait to bind it and wrap it up!  This quarter in grad school, I had over 2,000 pages to read for my Victorian Lit class.  I figured, for the novels I won't be writing my term paper on, I could listen to some of them on Audible while I'm quilting!!!  So I read/listened to Mill on the Floss by George Eliot while quilting this quilt.  Great book!    

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I don't know how I missed your last post, considering this is on my own blog roll! Sheesh. I LOVE this quilt-it is so pretty and looks warm and snuggly. Your MIL will love it, too. You got skills, girl. :-)
    On the last post--yay for homestudy completion! Also, I attempted to learn to knit. To no avail. Scary how un-crafty I am--ah, well.
    Glad you had a good weekend!
