Monday, November 26, 2012


Here are my works in progress as far as quilting goes.  Just a bunch of jelly roll quilts.  I bought all of these jelly rolls from the Fat Quarter Shop:

Here are the backs of the quilts:

They are all crib-sized quilts, and I plan on quilting them myself, except for the last quilt, which I took to my long-arm lady.  Finally, I'm finished with these batiks!!!  It only took me a year!  My excuse is that I've been in grad school, ha!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

New Quilt!

Hi, everyone!  Thanksgiving was wonderful this year.  Daniel and I spent it with my mom and her two beagles.  It was a quiet, low-key day of watching movies and playing games.  Then yesterday I got a phone call from my long-arm quilter letting me know that I had quilts ready to pick up, yay!!!  I love those phone calls.  She did a beautiful job and made my substandard quilting skills less noticeable.  I am giving this quilt to my mother-in-law for Christmas.  She doesn't read my blog, so I'm in no danger of spoiling the surprise.  Of course, I haven't put the binding on yet, so you will have to use your imagination:

I was inspired by this quilt, which I thought was so lovely, so I improvised a pattern.  I can't wait to bind it and wrap it up!  This quarter in grad school, I had over 2,000 pages to read for my Victorian Lit class.  I figured, for the novels I won't be writing my term paper on, I could listen to some of them on Audible while I'm quilting!!!  So I read/listened to Mill on the Floss by George Eliot while quilting this quilt.  Great book!    

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It's been a busy month

November is through, and how sad I am about this fact. I love November. The crisp air, leaves changing colors, Thanksgiving leftovers, pumpkin pie, making fires and staying in. Now comes December, the most hectic time of the year. Just the word "Christmas" brings on hives and an increased heart rate! I am so glad that our family chose to listen to my Secret Santa idea a few years ago because this has eased some of the craziness of frantic Christmas shopping. In spite of this anticipated chaos, I got quite a bit done in November:

1. Home study complete. Just waiting for the final report.
2. I participated in National November Novel Writing Month, and I wrote 68 pages of a novel! I didn't finish the novel, but that is neither here nor there.
3. I knit Daniel a new cap since I accidentally shrunk his last one.
4. I am halfway through a beret for my sister Sara (it may end up being's very cute)
5. I cooked many good meals this month! I also made my yearly Pasta Flora pie at my dad's request, and following in my grandmother's spirit, I refuse to post the recipe for the pie. It's a secret I will take to the grave (or urn).
6. I've been working a lot, and I haven't hated it. I've had some interesting and entertaining depositions lately that have given me a newfound appreciation for court reporting. I feel very blessed that I've had such a successful career. And our Christmas party is at Lake Chalet this year, and I heard there are going to be gondola rides!!! Hope nobody falls in the lake.