Friday, February 17, 2012

Our Three-Year Anniversary

Our third anniversary was January 3. I know, I'm pretty late in posting the pictures of our overnight getaway. I've been busy!!! Anyway, we went to Carmel and stayed at a cute little bed and breakfast walking distance from the beach. We got a killer deal on the room because we stayed the day after New Year's. So we really celebrated on January 2, but it's okay!  Time slips by too quickly.  I can't believe we've already been married three years.  Hey, in another two, we'll be able to adopt from any country we want!!  We just won't have any money left.  Details, details...

We had dinner at this little French bistro called "Le Bicyclette."  Good food!

Here's our room!  Very cute and cozy.  Too bad I had a cold and Daniel got food poisoning from lunch.  We were both passed out by 10:00, haha!

The morning of our anniversary, getting ready to head back home.

Have you ever seen a gas station sign this cute???  Only in Carmel...


  1. Hi!
    I just started reading your blog. I had to laugh at the part where you wrote that in two years you could adopt from any country you want. I have often thought the same thing! My husband and I will be married for 4 years in June.

  2. Thank you for reading, Shannon! I like keeping up with other adoptive families out there. It makes the wait seem less grueling if I know I've got company to commiserate with. Yeah, pretty annoying about the 5-year marriage requirement most countries have. I know many people who had a baby within their first year of marriage, and nobody is knocking on their door demanding a home study, background checks, physicals, parenting classes, etc., haha! Not fair, not fair...
